ELPRO DOO VRANJE is a company founded 03.03.1995. in Vranje. The founder and owner of the company are starting their own business with the intention of creating a project bureau that will be able to respond to the requirements of the free market. "ELPRO" today is a successful and secure company with a long tradition in the field of designing and executing electrical works.

Based on several decades of business, ELPRO DOO VRANJE has acquired experience and skills, certificates and equipment necessary for doing business within the following activities:

- design of electrical, lightning, signaling and telecommunication installations;

- performing technical control of electro-design documentation;

- services of supervision and consulting in the field of electrical works;

- execution of electrical works;

- technical maintenance of the electrical installation system;

- production of electric and telecommunication cabinets as well as automation system cabinets;

- measuring and testing of the electrical installation system.

The company employs electrical engineers with appropriate IKS licenses for the design and execution of electrical works. In addition to engineers, when companies are employed and employed with secondary vocational education in the field of electrical engineering.

Since the establishment of "ELPRO", it is constantly developing and today it is a modern company that, thanks to its personnel, business and financial capacities, can respond to the most complex requirements of the investor.


If you want to become part of our team and have the necessary qualifications, you can send your biography to the email address Information on active job vacancies can be found in the section NEWS.

We need associates for administrative and technical tasks, for designing and executing electrical works.

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